Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#54 duplicate Viewer has problems reading a log file michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


The attached log file was obtained with the scenario of ticket #33 and with COLTT development version 1.08.5 Build June 30, 2010. When opening the file a message box appears stating \"Some problem reading the file\".

#55 fixed PPM not queried on error returned michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


The scenario is based on the one described for ticket #34 and is obtained when there is no PPDS license available. There is a complete process model developed in Aspen Hysys and making use of PPDS. Because the license is not there the PPM returns an error code 0x80040501 and this is logged in the log file. Aspen Hysys does not seem to pursue any further the matter. However I don't see any attempt from COLTT to query the error handling interfaces that should be present on the PPM object. I wonder why.

#58 fixed Handling of long list of methods in Viewer michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 14 years ago.


In the attached log file, both a UO and a PPM are logged. The list of methods in the method list is very long and goes further down than the screen in which it is displayed, resulting in some methods not being reached for filtering/defiltering. Could the list be displayed in multiple columns or maybe in multiple pages, ten or fifteen methods per page and a page numbering permitting to go from one page of method list to another.

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