Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#156 fixed Worflow of new Controller version Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 12 years ago.


Build 263 is used: when opening up Controller and selecting a given component, the \"Enable Logging\" box is appearing as non-ticked. The \"Call CAPE-OPEN error interfaces if errors are raised\" box and \"Log Reference counts\" box are ticked and greyed out. Then I tick the \"Enable Logging\" box. The \"Call CAPE-OPEN error interfaces if errors are raised\" box and \"Log Reference counts\" box remain ticked and are now ungreyed. Next I untick the \"Enable Logging\" box. The \"Call CAPE-OPEN error interfaces if errors are raised\" box and \"Log Reference counts\" box have then greyed out and unticked. I close the COLTT controller and then enters it again. When going to the same component as before, the \"Enable Logging\" box is unticked while The \"Call CAPE-OPEN error interfaces if errors are raised\" box and \"Log Reference counts\" box are ticked and greyed out.

I would think that ticking or unticking the \"Enable Logging\" box should not alter the two other boxes. Since by default these two boxes are ticked but greyed out, it means that they are partially independent from the \"Enable Logging\" box. Anyway they will be \"active\" only when a component is logged. Now I wonder if really the selection for these boxes is per component or rather is it for the entire set of components to be logged. I don't exactly how the implementation is done. If reference counting and error interface calls are not component dependent, the corresponding boxes should appear elsewhere than within a component detail.

#158 fixed Ticked boxes for error interfaces and reference count logging michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


I am using build 263 of version 2.1. I enter COLTT Controller, select a Thermo System, tick the \"Enable logging\" box as well as the boxes for error interfaces calls and for reference counting log. Then I exit the controller. I run a simulation where interaction with the selected PMC is logged. Once simulation is finished, I call the Controller again. For the PMC with logging selected, the boxes for error interface logging and reference counting are not ticked anymore. I am under Windows 7 SP1.

#161 fixed COFE crash michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 11 years ago.


I am using COLTT 2.1 Build 263. I am running COFE with the VB6 Ideal ThermoSystem. COLTT is enabled on VB6 Thermo System with error interfaces calls activated as well as reference count logging activated. I open COFE, select the VB6 Thermo System as Property Package and then COFE stops: it displays an APPCRASH. See attached the file detailing the problem. The log file (also attached) shows IPersistStreamInit as the last call. I am running COFE in Windows 7.

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