Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#95 fixed Is the logging of Duplicate accurate about the MO pointer? michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


When analyzing logs obtained with COLTT 1.08.5 with two different PMEs and the same PMC (the CPP Mixer Splitter example), I have noticed that within the Calculate method, the Duplicate method is called twice (because there are two feeds to the UO) and each time the pointer returned appears as the same. This is worrying me because in fact the previous MO is not released before a new duplicate is done according to the following excerpt of the CPP Mixer Splitter code:

bool Duplicate(Material &m,wstring &error) {ATLASSERT(materialObject); class should be instanciated properly create a new material object MaterialObjectWrapper *MO=materialObject->Duplicate(error); <------- NEW ONE IS OBTAINED if (!MO) return false ; fail clean up old MO in m if (m.materialObject) m.materialObject->Release(); <------- OLD ONE IS RELEASED set new m.materialObject=MO; ok return true ;


So while this has no consequence really for the CPP Mixer Splitter it is of interest to know if the pointer mentioned in the log is the real pointer or one pertaining to the CO logger. Could this be assessed?

#96 wontfix Start menu shortcuts of 1.08.5 left after installing 2.0 michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using the installer for COLTT 2.0 built on Sep 10, 2011. I am using it in a machine where COLTT 1.08.5 (Build July 17, 2011) had been previously installed. The installation of COLTT v2.0 takes almost everything related to 1.08.5 out still the \"Start\" menu shortcuts related to 1.08.5 are left behind.

#97 wontfix File left behind when installing v2.0 on top of v1.08.5 michaelhalloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


The folder \"COLTT 1.08.5\" under C:
Program Files
has not been deleted since it contained additional files than the ones put there at installation (in my case backup of some DLLs) so it is understandable. Still file CAPE-OPENLogs.ini is part of the installation and should have been deleted from the 1.08.5 folder.

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