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#29 fixed Size of MSI ahsanakhtar michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 15 years ago.


Size of the MSI file for COLTT 1.08.3 (Build Oct 27, 2009) is 22,178 Kbytes while it was only 4,646 Kbytes for the MSI of COLTT 1.07. Refactoring was not supposed to give way to such an increase in code size. So why such an increase?

#1 fixed 09-021 COLTT 1.08.2 fails with Aspen Hysys and PPDS michaelhalloran michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 15 years ago.


This morning I had a remote session organized with Andy Johns of TUV NEL Ltd about a test of their PPDS Thermo server implementing Thermo 1.1 in Aspen Hysys v7.1.

During a run based on a case provided by one of TUV NEL clients (ABB I guess), I observed error messages sent by PPDS to Aspen Hysys about stream composition appearing as null. PPDS is equipped with its own logging facility but it is far from complete: the SetPresentPhases is not logged for example. So I moved to COLTT.

With COLTT 1.07 I was able to give evidence to Andy that PPDS was at fault while setting present phases for both vapor and liquid when the phase fraction for liquid was something like 10 to the minus 16 and while the liquid phase composition was set by PPDS to zero for all compounds. Then Aspen Hysys had the right to request the calculation of liquid phase properties that PPDS was unable to provide since it raises an exception when finding that the composition was null in the MO.

That proves that COLTT is working well.

The only problem I got was that Aspen Hysys is crashing when exiting (see ScreenshotsCOLTTv107.doc). No big deal except it means the PPDS license is not released.

So I moved to COLTT v1.08.02 with the hope of having it doing better on that. Well it is a complete failure: Aspen Hysys simply crashes when opening the case.

I will send you the logs obtained with 1.07 (hysys_090409_115121_v107.log) and 1.08.02 (hysys_090409_114804_v10802.log) as accompanying material in a zipped archive. The issue is numbered 09-021.

#4 fixed 09-018 COLTT 1.08.2 behaves differently to 1.07 in UniSim case michaelhalloran michaelhalloran

Reported by michaelhalloran, 15 years ago.


I am starting with a case file of UniSim Design R390 where one inlet stream is defined and three outlet streams are drawn. The scenario is to select a VB6 CAPE-OPEN UO (made by TOTAL) and insert it in the flowsheet, connect it, edit it and run it.

With COLTT 1.07, I get to the same point as without COLTT 1.07 enabled on the VB UO. The case can’t be run because the UO can’t be validated since the mixture molecularweight property is missing from the UniSim Design UO. You will find the file Screenshots_v107.doc showing the point I can reach and unisimdesign_082609_212727_v107.log as the log file obtained.

With COLTT 1.08.02 I can’t get so far. The UO does not load in UniSim Design when logged. You will find attached Screenshots_v10802.doc showing what happens as error message and unisimdesign_082709_075015_v10802.log as the log file obtained.

When I say attached, I will post the files as an archive on to ensure you can get access to these.

I am numbering this issue as COLTT09-018. I don’t know if the latest modifications committed by SHMA on COLTT will lead to a different behaviour. There is a need to know.

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