Custom Query (122 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 122)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#135 fixed get_ComponentIds called by COLTT but not declared as called by COLTT Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using gPROMS to call an Aspen Properties Property Package. At some point gPROMS is requesting from Aspen Properties the calculation of vapor pressure for each pure compound. It gives the following sequence of calls:

PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Call to CalcProp requesting: MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to get_ComponentIds

get_ComponentIds returns : WATER ETOH MEOH

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from get_ComponentIds - Succeeded

Property Phase Calc Compounds vaporpressure liquid pure WATER


MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Logging for ICOMaterialObject with GUID {3C860BB3-8AF4-4D93-A4BB-F9D068804365} is not supported by COLTT MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to GetNumComponents MaterialObject GetNumComponents returns 3 MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from GetNumComponents - Succeeded MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to get_ComponentIds

get_ComponentIds returns : WATER ETOH MEOH

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from get_ComponentIds - Succeeded MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to GetProp

Warning - compIds argument is empty Property Phase Basis Calc Value returned temperature Overall (null) mixture 353.15

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from GetProp - Succeeded MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Call to SetProp :

Warning - compIds argument is empty

COLTT <Anonymous> : Call to get_ComponentIds

get_ComponentIds returns : WATER ETOH MEOH

COLTT <Anonymous> : Return from get_ComponentIds - Succeeded

Property Phase Basis Calc Compounds New values vaporpressure Liquid (null) pure WATER 47368.360944

ETOH 108253.051078 MEOH 180667.040063

MaterialObject <Anonymous> : Return from SetProp - Succeeded PropertyPackage <Anonymous> : Return from CalcProp – Succeeded

One of the calls to get_ComponentIds is logged as made by COLTT but there are two other calls to get_ComponentIds in this sequence and they appear as made by the Property Package while there is only one made. So one call, while made by COLTT, is not flagged as made by COLTT.

#136 fixed Calculate call not flagged as in error while Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am using a COUSCOUS Mixer within an Aspen Plus v7.3.2 flowsheet. On the first Calculate call on the Mixer UO, there is an error returned from Calculate with error code 0x80040501.

However, within COLTT Viewer, this call to Calculate is not flagged as being in error which is making more difficult the analysis. I think the Calculate call should be flagged as in error.

#137 fixed Logging of in argument for put_selectedReport Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 13 years ago.


I am starting from an Aspen Hysys case file where only three streams are declared, two of them being defined. I add a SciLab UO as a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation. I don't go very far, just declaring two inlet ports and one outlet port in the SciLab UO before closing the \"Scilab CAPE-OPEN UO\" view. It means Edit is called only once. I am observing what takes place before the Edit call. It appears Aspen Hysys makes use of the methods of the ICapeUnitReport interface. Aspen Hysys asks the UO for its list of reports (call to get_Reports) and the list, made of a single report, is provided by the UO. Then Aspen Hysys makes a call to put_SelectedReport. COLTT checks by getting once more the list of reports, that the selected report is among the available reports. But there is no printing of a line like: put_selectedReport input argument: Scilab Output

which would be similar to what happens with put_ComponentName. For the sake of being consistent in the appearance of the logging, I think put_SelectedReport output should be modified.

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