Custom Query (122 matches)
Results (64 - 66 of 122)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#12 | fixed | License notice missing | ahsanakhtar | michelpons |
Description |
Within COLTT 1.08.03 installation, the license notice is not the proper one. It should the OSL 3.0 one as attached. |
#13 | fixed | License display in controller | ahsanakhtar | michelpons |
Description |
In the controller main view, there is a copyright statement that should be now Copyright (C) 2005-2009 CO-LaN. Nowhere the licensing scheme is mentioned. I recommend, to be in accordance with the OSL licensing scheme to make somehow a link, besides the copyright mention to the license text. Same should happen in the \"About\" view. The OSL license is available as a text file. Don't know if it means opening the text file in a new window, but anyway access to the license should be possible from within the code. |
#26 | fixed | Copyright notice | ahsanakhtar | michelpons |
Description |
In the \"About\" window of COLTT controller, the copyright mentions 2005-2008 while it should be 2005-2009. I don't know how much it matters though. The same copyright appears in the \"Components\" view of COLTT controller and should be also updated(i.e. 2008 to 2009). |