Custom Query (122 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#143 fixed Viewer gets mixed up between put_ComponentName and other calls Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 12 years ago.


I am using PRO/II 9.2 alpha. I enable logging on the CPP Ideal Thermo PPM and on the TEA PPM. Then I open a new case file in PRO/II 9.2, go to Input
Thermodynamic Data, select CAPE-OPEN, then CPP Ideal Thermo PPM and its nC6nC8 PP, then I quit the view \"SimSci - Thermodynamic Data\" by accepting through OK once the System CO01 is shown. I get back in the same view through Input
Thermodynamic Data and there I select the PP C1_C2 (EOS) from TEA PPM; It makes the CO02 System within PRO/II. I quit this view and then I simply exit from PRO/II. This gives the log file attached. Look at it within the viewer. Near the end the Viewer displays \"Property Package <Anonymous> : Call to put_ComponentName while, when expanding it, it shows \"getPhaseList returns\". When looking at the log file with NotePad it is then obvious that a getPhaseList call has been logged not a put_ComponentName call.

#144 fixed Argument from CopyFromMaterial Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 12 years ago.


I am starting from a case file out of PRO/II 9.2 in which three material streams have been drawn and two defined with flow, composition, pressure and temperature. The CPP Ideal Thermo PPM and its nC6nC8 PP are used. The scenario calls for inserting the CPP Mixer/Splitter Example in the flowsheet, access its CAPE-OPEN settings, change the heat input to 1, then connect the ports to material streams and run the simulation. It gives the log attached.

At the beginning of the Calculate method, the UO calls CopyFromMaterial onto a Material Object. The Material Object is mentioned as Anonymous. Within this call, it is logged that COLTT accesses the get_ComponentName method of the ICapeIdentification interface of an Anonymous MO: S1 is returned. Then the UO goes on by getting the present phases on a MO still mentioned as Anonymous. The CopyFromMaterial method has one argument, source. I think it would be wise somehow to mention the pointer value to the source MO. Further information could be displayed if indeed the get_ComponentName call succeeds like it is succeeding here.

#150 fixed Check if names of duplicated MOs are retrieved Michael Halloran michelpons

Reported by michelpons, 12 years ago.


I am opening up in Aspen Plus v7.3.2 a case file that makes use of Aspen Plus embedded thermo and of the VB6 Mixer Splitter example used as a splitter. I run the case and analyze the log file obtained with COLTT 2.1 Build 246.

Within the Calculate call, there is a call to Duplicate the MO named as 1:

MaterialObject <1> : Call to Duplicate MaterialObject Duplicate returns clone: 013A43B0 MaterialObject <1> : Return from Duplicate - Succeeded

Once this is done I presume that most subsequent CalcProp and CalcEquilibrium calls are made on the duplicated MO. However the following is logged:

MaterialObject <1> : Call to CalcProp requesting:

Property Phase Calc enthalpy Liquid mixture

MaterialObject <1> : Return from CalcProp - Succeeded

I wonder if COLTT has really updated the name of the MO, or if the duplicated MO has the same component_Name as the original MO. I can't see any call to get_componentName on the ICapeIdentification interface carried by the duplicated MO. Would be necessary to know what is going on. If the duplicated MO is given the same name as the original MO by the PME, it may induce some recommendation to developers to avoid that situation.

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